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Writer's pictureMao Florez


In time, opportunities will come to your life, moments that can be of great growth, either through a victory or a defeat. However, in order for this to happen, you need to make a decision to act on it, or as one might say: Take it or leave it. In my case, making the decision not to let me 'get sick' was the first step in redefining my reality.

Surely at some point you heard that opportunities pass by if you so decide, and this is very true. Opportunities usually present themselves once in our life, in the scenario you decide to see it, in my case the opportunity that opened did not come in the form of a gift full of chocolates, it came in a slightly more rough, difficult and heavy format.

My greatest opportunity for growth came from a medical diagnosis, the one I have been living with daily for many years.

At first what was presented to me was a rather gloomy scenario and with a dark future ahead, as I have expressed in different posts of this blog. At the time, the so-called 'Opportunity' was not seen anywhere, and with that scenario, How was this really going to be something to profit from? If you ever heard the phrase: "the map is not the territory" I will explain first hand what it means.

The map that the phrase refers to is our perception of reality, and that map is simply our interpretation of reality. My interpretation at first was a map full of places of sadness and desolation, the good thing is that this map is always open to changes in design, to reinterpretations, which is what I did when I began to contemplate the brilliant opportunity that opened up in front of me. When doors were closed, others were opened.

“What is real? How do you define 'real'?

If you're talking about what you can feel,

what you can smell, what you can taste and see,

then 'real' is simply electrical signals interpreted by your brain.”

Morpheus, The Matrix (1999)

When the opportunity for change comes, it is presented in multiple formats: a medical diagnosis-as is my case -, a love break, the change of academic scenario (the transition from school or college to university and from here to work) or simply a conversation or reading that opens your eyes on a topic. The opportunity is always going to present itself, it's up to you to grab it and grow, or let it pass and continue your way. It's up to you to create the best possible map, or fill it with ravines and holes.

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