Are you in power of your thoughts, in control of your mind? If you think about it and see in an attentive way, not much. In a lot of the many minutes a day contains, and in all the tasks that come with them, your mind often runs on autopilot.
Did you realize everything that happened when you were on your way to work, home or study?, the songs that sounded on the radio? or more importantly, did you realize everything that went through your mind, conversations and images that were created in your imagination, along the way? Did you decide to put those thoughts there or did they just show up?
This is the problem of Autopilot: in many cases it is activated when we are doing a usual task such as having breakfast, tying your shoes, bathing, working or even brushing your teeth.
It is in these moments when you 'climb into the clouds' that the Autopilot is activated and thoughts of any kind begin to enter our mind, from memories - happy, sad and even emotional - to visions of the future - near or far -.
The power that Autopilot has in your mind is really interesting, because if you realize, how much you think or feel while brushing your teeth; what your gums feel, the movement of your hand and arms, how you are smiling, how much time are you taking to do it and many other variables of that simple action?. Your mind disconnects from this absolute present and begins to work by itself, filling your mind with thoughts that you have not decided to put there.
To get back in control of that Autopilot it is enough to try to perform a daily activity as if it were the first time you do it and experience the sensations and reactions that come with the first cup of coffee, with the mint flavor in your mouth when you brush your teeth, tie the knot of your tie or shoes, or feel the steps you take when you go to work and sit in your office. Performing everyday tasks with awareness of what is being done will help your mind get into greater control in other scenarios that require what goes on inside your head to be under your control.
There is danger in letting Autopilot run regularly and unchecked, and hence the importance of knowing where you put your thinking. If your life depended on your thoughts, would you put them to work as they please ?. There is a great power in how you think and how it alters your emotions and that power you want to have. The autopilot works as far as you allow it, and in this sense your power has not completely disappeared. You already know in which scenarios he can turn on-although they are not universal for everyone -, now it's time to decide whether you let him work with your power or without it, anyway he will work.
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