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Writer's pictureMao Florez


The way you experience reality has a lot to do with how your thoughts work and how your inner dialogue is working. The power in your mind and thought defines how you are, what you are and what you will be.

About 60,000 thoughts go through our minds a day, of that immense amount over how many do you have control over? You probably didn't even know that so many images, conversations and sounds were going through your mind in 24 hours. Now that you know it, pay attention, for your mind largely governs your life and how you experience it.

Putting a leash to your thinking is possible and more than that it is a decision, here the importance of mindfulness is born. Put your thoughts in order; live by creating thoughts that enrich your life and discard those that do not, because what you think attracts. You think of love, that attracts, you think of enriching the world, that attracts, you think of abundance, that attracts... Better not write down the antonyms, I've already made myself understood.

The root and birth of our thoughts is not spontaneous because we build, mentally, from experience. In this sense every thought has its source of power in our memory, memory, experience and subconscious. What we have accepted as reality, what we have not, is part of what happens in our mind and what went through it in times past. Here is then a choice to make: your thoughts have brought you to where you are, Do you need to make changes?

What you are today is an almost mathematical result of how your mind has worked in years, months and days past. What you are today is a subconscious construction of all the communication you have received up to this moment; of what you accepted as reality and works as such in your subconscious.

"What a man thinks of himself, this is what determines, or rather indicates, his fate."

Henry David Thoreau

Every aspect of life can be altered from the mind, and from here, reality begins to change. Thinking positive is not just a 'more phrase', it is more a philosophy of life that can change how you are perceiving your reality. I propose this concern as a conclusion: What do you think, what do you believe, build or destroy?

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