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Writer's pictureMao Florez


The power of your mind is something you don't want to overlook, especially when you understand all the ability your thoughts have to change how you live. Hence the importance of meditating and becoming aware of what we do, think and say. The first thing to do is to know what we put our attention on.

When you think about it very carefully you realize that there are very few times in which you are in control of your mind, for example in a presentation, your mind is working to remember it, but if you look closely, your subconscious also makes its own, and it starts to predict the future and to generate images and words that you did not put there, however you can regain control from your conscious and start altering your subconscious so that it works with you and your projects and not against.

Change your way of thinking and you will change your way of living

One of the first meditation exercises you can do to start regaining power over your thoughts is to sit back and concentrate on your breathing.

This simple exercise leads us to focus on something as important - but often overlooked - as breathing. Unlike body scanning in which we focus on 'walking' through our body, this exercise only requires you to pay attention to your breathing, blocking and releasing all kinds of distractions such as thoughts, sensations and feelings, except only those that come with breathing.

The power of your mind is not to take it lightly or let it be overlooked because it gives off your perception of reality. Start by focusing your attention on your breath, from here begins a greater control of how you think and what you think, in addition to developing a kind of 'sanctuary' that we can go to when thoughts of any kind come to settle in our mind.

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