Mindfulness allows us to live attentively, that is: to be aware and present moment by moment and thought by thought. To begin to truly appreciate and understand what is happening and going on in our mind, the first step is to learn to meditate. But what physically happens to our body when we meditate is really fascinating.
Our mind is the most perfect computer machine that exists, however little we have taught ourselves to understand what happens with it. When we enter a state of meditation we allow ourselves to be aware of what happens to it: what images, sounds and moments work on it. Meditating, beyond relaxing, helps us understand and appreciate what happens to our thoughts and emotions.
In addition to the above, meditating has an important bodily effect. Like everything that happens in our mind, it generates a neural and physiological response. With meditation-beyond the state of relaxation, stress reduction and mind control - the same happens.
Different research shows that meditating involves certain parts of the brain that are linked to the regulation of attention, emotions and self-awareness. In addition, additional studies point out that the constant and regular practice of meditation could lead our brain to structural and neuroplastic changes (its ability to adapt and change).
In addition to the above, to the advantages of meditating are added the following: meditating for 3 minutes affects the electromagnetic field of the body, 11 minutes changes the glandular system, 62 minutes will bring changes in the gray matter of the brain. Doing this for more than 2 hours changes cells and tissues, the entire system is rebuilt.
"We do not sit in meditation
to become good meditators,
but to be more awake in
our daily life."
Pema Chödron
Meditating is not only a great step to gain greater control over our thoughts, emotions and how we perceive our reality, its constant practice also brings great benefits to our mental and physical health.
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