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Writer's pictureMao Florez


The human mind is a machine with incredible capabilities -as I mentioned in previous entries-and it works in three different states, The Rational, the emotional and the wise. Although all human beings function and work with all, there is always one of them who walks with greater power.

The first of the mindsets is the emotional one. Usually a person who lives under this posture is a person who is in an up and down of emotions in an almost permanent way. Another defining characteristic of people living under this form of mind is that they are people who are usually untrustworthy, unreliable because most of their decisions are based on what they feel, rather than what they reason, leading to growth choices that do not have a really solid foundation.

"I will do as my emotions dictate."

On the opposite side we have the rational mind. That they are people who live on a much more intellectual level. They are people who do not believe in midpoints, things are white or black, and everything that is in the middle is not worth it or is not real. They are people who love knowledge and seek above all that goes only with reason. Order, structure and definitive answers are what people who live on this side of the puddle are looking for. On this side, making decisions that lead to growth or change are much more difficult because they require taking risks that, for a rational person, will not be worth it.

"You have to think things through very well."

The wise mind is, as I noted in the title, the balance between these two. It is a mind that does not work on the emotional end or, its opposite, the rational, it works in a perfect balance between them. This mindset helps us balance our lives between what we feel and what we reason. When we live in extremes like the ones I point out in this post our life does not feel balanced, however by finding this midpoint we are able to make decisions based on rational arguments, but with the impulse generated by emotions.

We have all had moments when extremes acted, but also moments when the work was done by the wise. If you consider the decisions that were made at one end they were possibly moments that brought you to a point where you didn't want to be or shouldn't be. A life in mental and emotional balance is a life that takes you to where you really want to be.

"To maintain balance, we must keep together the inner

and the Outer, the visible and the invisible,

the known and the unknown,

the temporary and the Eternal, the old and the new."

John O'donohue

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