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Writer's pictureMao Florez


Thanks! It is such a powerful word that you would not believe that its seven letters contain the ability to take you from a state in which you do not want to be to that which you dream of, to that which you desire: abundance, in every sense of the word.

The first principle for living a life of infinite happiness is gratitude. Gratitude with what? With everything. This can be a difficult thing to bring to reality - especially when there are problems and scenarios complicated of any kind in our lives, however it is not impossible to do so and I will explain why it is important to be grateful and also I will give you an exercise that will not take more than 10 minutes of your time and will take you to a new state of perception of your reality.

There is one thing in common that extraordinary people have, those that we admire for what they can come to represent in our lives, what they have in common is that they are people who despite the circumstances and scenarios, are grateful.

As human beings we are taught to complain, for what we are, what we are not, what we can not be, what we do not have or how little we have and any variation of many other complaints: "again the same breakfast", "Why don’t I have more ?", "It's always the same clothes", "why can't I be taller?". These are just a few examples that I have heard throughout my life and surely you have heard them and similar ones.

How about we change the way we communicate with ourselves and what surrounds us?

There is a great power in being grateful, and in being grateful with everything that happens and what you have. To have a happy life-without which there would be no abundance-you must begin to see everything you have as a blessing and great wealth. There are people who do not have your blessings, people who want to live how you live, have what you have and enjoy what you enjoy and that's why I ask you, why not start being grateful, with all that, you who already own it?

The happiness you crave is not in the distant future, it is right here in this infinite present and begins with being grateful with what we have, from this being grateful and having a clear vision of the future is that the future that you want comes out. That's why I invite you to do a daily exercise that will help you see a happy present and work with a lot of desire for the future to come.

Gratitude exercise

This is an exercise you could do every morning before getting out of bed or every night before going to sleep, however you can do it at any time you prefer. Spend a few minutes of the day thinking and thanking for three to five things in your personal life and three to five things in your work life that are really important and meaningful to your life. When you thank each of the reasons you want to do so, take a couple of seconds to meditate and argue why you are thankful for that specific point in your life.

Being grateful is one of the most important steps you can take to see the state of happiness and abundance that you want to reach and in which you want to be reality. Gratitude in the present is one of the tools -and one of the most important- that will take you to the future you want.

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