Yes, success is difficult to achieve, the road to it is full of bends, and certainly my path and yours will not be the same as other people's. Yet all the people who have come to it and who walk seeing that destination as their ultimate purpose have certain guides; a compass, and a path by which they move.
When you define a destination in your GPS you go from a point A to point B, that route is seen in a very clear way on the map, you know what are the curves you should take and where you should go, What can be the discomforts -accidents, for example-that are on the way, but despite this you have a clear This is the first point of the success map: to know the result, to know and define what exactly you want to see and where you want to get to. Without a clear goal you will go from destination to destination without reaching one that really satisfies your passion.
After you have defined where you are going, having recognized the path and knowing what you can face on the Route, what follows is to start walking, taking action. It is precisely this that will keep you moving. This is the second point on the success Map: Act, take actions, move, walk and work to reach that destination.
During the road many signs will be presented, which will not only come out of the GPS, they will come out of what you see and perceive on the road, what you are experiencing in it and these signs will teach you and show if you are on the right path, if you are approaching or not to your result. When you are already on your way and going to your dream you must develop sensory acuity, this is the third point. This is to understand and know if you are going where you want to go and where you want to go, to understand if what you are doing if it is bringing you closer or is taking you away from your goal.
Finally the map to success, the one that will take you where you want to be, will have certain moments in which you will have to change the way you go, in order to facilitate your arrival or to know new routes. This is the redirection and the fourth step of the map: develop flexibility to change how you approach your destination. She is the ability you have to move to where you want to get in the best way, changing-if necessary-how you are approaching your destination.
"If one confidently moves in the direction of his dreams and desires to lead the life he has imagined, he will encounter unexpected success."
Henry David Thoreau
These guides will help you see your dreams come true. Your ability to define a clear goal, visualize it. Move towards it and act to see it materialize. Develop the ability to see, perceive and understand if you are approaching your dream or moving away from it. And finally be able to make your map more flexible, to make changes in favor of your dream.
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