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Writer's pictureMao Florez


"Be careful!", "Give me your hand, I don't want you to fall," "you better not go out there." Do these phrases ring a bell?. It's probably not the first time you've read, seen or heard them. All of them are auditory signals of caution, and to some extent they keep us safe, however, in it there is something very dangerous when you work for your dreams: the comfort zone.

I am not saying, in any sense, that caution should not be exercised in life. You cannot pretend to drive a car at more than 140 km/h in a tight bend and get out of it well, you cannot pretend to drink alcohol every day for 20 years or more and pretend that your liver and other organs have no repercussions, nor can you pretend to balance many kilometers from the floor, on a rope, without the appropriate safety instruments. As I said above, caution allows us to have security, which is useful and is simply a human instinct -survival-, however it sometimes disguises itself and does not allow us to get ahead.

While caution is healthy, it also has a side that is not so much: the so toxic, harmful and dream-killing, comfort zone. I will present some examples: "are you going to try to undertake in these times?, the economy is not so solid...", "How many people who have gone down that path do you know who have been successful?, and it's worse if you don't have connections...", "I know of people who tried and within two days they were already giving up...". You have most certainly heard these phrases and, most certainly, they are repeated from time to time in your internal dialogue when you want to take risks.

The approach I propose here is not that of a careless or reckless person, I propose a much more conscious approach, one that allows us to get out of the fragility of caution and take one that helps us empower our mind about our reality, and that is to be aware that excess caution or caution may be playing against you.

"Keep in mind that great love and

great achievements require great risks."

Dalai Lama

The truth about reality is that it is not absolute, each person has his version of it and each person decides to understand it and perceive it as best and most appropriately it seems to him or her. For this reason it is dangerous to guide and lead our lives from limitations that have been imposed on us, even if at first they have the appearance of security and care.

When we park ourselves in the comfort zone, for the belief that best suits us or our situation or belief, every decision that is made is usually one of all or Nothing, win or lose, live or die. But without a little risk and action the result is to stay still and a dream without actions is nothing more than a good idea, and for this life loses its flavor, loses that touch that makes it special for each person, extinguishing the flames that we call life projects.

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