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Writer's pictureMao Florez


"He was born to be - - -", " he should be - - -". At birth and in our stage of growth we usually hear these phrases or any other that sounds like or is similar to them and, really, they are not negative, in fact they are full of power, but they do something that belongs to us to do, and that is to make the choice of being or not being.

It is very comfortable and easy to decide to believe that we are who we are because that's what we were born for, because we are or because destiny had us tied to be X or Y or Z. It's simpler like that, don't you think? It leaves us excluded from the zone of power, the one that comes with the responsibility of making the choices that fill us or take away our possibilities and capabilities.

That's why we eventually fill ourselves with negative arguments or excuses for not doing or not being: "I can't because - - -", " they can because - - -". These are a couple of barriers that prevent us from being or becoming what we truly believe and want.

With this I mean that you are nothing, and by this I mean that you are and can become whatever you want. There is nothing innate in your way of being, nothing in your past, nor in your present that is not subject to the possibility of being altered, improved, eliminated or changed so that you can become what you really want to be in your future. To believe that you are or are not because 'it has always been so' is to sentence your growth, your possibilities and your happiness to failure.

Like many decisions that occur on a subconscious and conscious level, there's a way to change them, and that means you're not (or don't have to be) that person you've been made to believe since you were born. There are attributes that are subject to the possibility of change and those are which may be in the way of your development and possibility of approaching what you would like to build, this regardless of any kind of personality quality or past perspective.

"The state of your life is but a reflection of the state of your mind."

Wayne Dyer

Knowing the above now gives you back all the power to be, do or create. We are all born with creative ability, this is one of our birthrights, however there are people that prefer to give to others that right from the beginning of its existence, and that is, in large measure, the big difference between the people who choose to be what they 'had' to be, and who decide to be everything they want and can be.

Realizing how debilitating it is to say 'that's who I am' is the first part, the second is to begin to act as the creator being that we are. Realizing our creative abilities allows us to enter a place of freedom, one that allows us to see the gifts we have to be who we want to be. Once you see yourself here your world will not be the same, because you will begin to receive everything you need, for as long as you need it, to really have, be and do what you really want.

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