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Writer's picture: Mao FlorezMao Florez

When I speak of realistic goals, I do not speak of limited goals, those that make us believe that they are those that we can aspire to because we are from a certain country, or we are from a certain social condition, or we are from a certain family. When I talk about realistic goals I talk about something that goes beyond what we call reality.

When you talk to someone about your dreams or goals, does that person tell you or use phrases like these?: "Be realistic...", "Get off that cloud...", "Yes, of course, in your dreams...". It is quite possible that the version of reality that he or she has, is very limited, does not mean that yours has to be or is. However, the fact that your reality is not limited does not involve setting or designing unrealizable goals.

You already know that to be able to see all your dreams and your goals made a reality, it is necessary that within their approach, they have a deadline, that you know before what day in the future this goal is a reality. It must also be measurable, that is to say that you must know what to do to achieve your project and you must know how to measure whether what you are doing brings you closer or further from your goal. To the above points, adding that it is realistic is very important.

I'm going to try to be very concrete with this: reality is just how we perceive it. So talking about realistic dreams goes beyond it. That is to say that a realistic dream is to become the best speaker of a country, to create a company or company that generates millions of dollars, to have a house in the most exclusive neighborhood of Paris or Madrid, to have a luxury car in which to move your family. All these dreams are realistic, if you do not believe me, look at all the people who have managed to make them come true.

"Your goal should be out of your reach, but not out of sight."

Denis Waitley

Now, and this is very important, if you just start building that dream and you want to see it come true in a couple of days or months, because the reality is that it will be very difficult -not always impossible- to get to see them come true and what can end up happening, if you plan goals in this way, you will fill yourself with negative emotions, such as frustration or despair at not seeing that dream fulfilled. In this sense the fact that it is realistic goes beyond present capabilities and possibilities, it also includes giving you a time-this is: your time - to fulfill it.

If you look around you will see more than one dream realized, look at the cars, look at the streets of your city, look at the buildings, look at the companies, look at the families, look at the planes, look at the computers, look at the cell phones. These are few, of the many examples that exist in our reality to show us that dreams and projects if come true. That your dream is big does not make it impossible, that you plan it today and pretend to have it in your hand tomorrow, yes.

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