Our reality models are programmed by the world in which we grow up, and determine our systems of life; whether good or bad and take us to where we want to be or take us away from that place. The limitations and possibilities you have are in how and how much you have allowed yourself to be shaped by these beliefs, myths and legends that are part of your cultural landscape.
Cultures are varied, different and created from a series of rules that define them. Our culture is the result of centuries and millennia of ideas and opinions that have been mixed and distilled from others. That is, it was not created by rational choice.
Despite the above we have decided to follow our culture and its landscape faithfully and loyally as if it were universal, real and absolute; from it we model ourselves: "as I am from (filled with your city) I must behave in X or Y form", "my family has always been like this", “because we are (filled with your surname or nationality) we must behave like this". As I said before these models of reality are not necessarily negative, however - and in many cases - there are limitations that arise from these.
Reality models are what we have accepted as reality and are derived from ideas, not absolute realities with which we have grown up and usually sound something like this: "it is just who I am", "I am very bad for that", "I have never known how to do that", or failing that they are adorned as 'typical phrases': "the living lives of the fool", "it is indigenous malice", "old dog does not learn new tricks".
As reality models are nothing more than truths and realities that we decide to accept as absolute truths these can be altered, modified and even eliminated when they do not produce anything positive in our life.
Now that you know how the models of reality imposed on you by culture have altered your thinking you can decide which models to follow, which models not, which to update and how to update them so that instead of limiting yourself (you can not, you are not, etc.), they fill you with a range of infinite possibilities and powers.
Updating our reality models is not an overnight task, but-and as in many scenarios-just take the first step. Deciding which cultural rules to follow and which not, which to obey and which not, will make you a person with a lot more power; that power that the reality models that have made many people 'one more brick' have revoked, to become the extraordinary person you want to be.
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