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Writer's pictureMao Florez


Success is a complicated thing to understand, especially since there are different definitions and these depend on what each person wants to build and do in their life. My version of success is different from yours, just as yours will be different from your friends and family and their different from each other. Yet there is something that is inherent in success and it is that small portion, antonym, that we know as the 'failures'.

We live our lives with a huge and quite ingrained fear of it, and in all its variations: love, work, emotional, family failures, etc. in any sphere it is possible and in any sphere it exists, but... How about we change that word that means you've failed to one that shows you've grown up and tried?

There is no such thing called failure, there are only results. It is easy to think of moments when we wanted a result and got something different - if not, quite the opposite -. We missed an exam, we broke our hearts, we had a great idea and it didn't turn out the way we wanted,... and the examples could continue to add up. Failure after failure is what we might get to hear when we read this, yet there is one thing that extraordinary people have understood: there is no failure.

Failure is an invention to make you feel that you have not done something right, however when you begin to understand it, 'failure', beyond being it, is a result, one that must bring learning. The great successes of this life are not people who do not fail, they are people who arrived to where they are despite them and learning from them.

"Giving up is the only sure way to fail"

Gena Showalter

If there is one thing you have today, that you did not have yesterday is this: experience. The one that only comes as a result of experimenting, of taking a step forward, of trying in spite of. If there is something that kills and limits dreams it is to think of failure as such and not as a teaching.

An achievement of not very positive results can lead a person to think that his dreams, plans and goals are destined for eternal and absolute failure. Resulting in pessimism. However, great minds have been able to reinterpret and reanalyze every step they take so that instead of failure, everything is teaching, learning and experience.

When you start to change the way you interpret the fact of having failed, of having tried and not having achieved what you expected, you start to understand that everything is learning. Every action has a reaction, you decide how to label it: learning or failure.

"Success is the ability to go from failure to failure without losing enthusiasm"

Winston Churchill

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