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Writer's pictureMao Florez


In this century and in this temporal context we associate meditation with a passive and stationary activity - the seated Monk -, which leads to it being, for many people, something that can become tedious or boring, however there are several forms of meditation that require movement.

For some people, sitting or standing still is something that feels artificial, unnatural and becomes an activity that will lead them to get lost in a deep sleep or an activity in which 'no time is worth wasting'. However in the modern era there are martial arts such as yoga and qigong that are widely related to the cultures of the East and also to meditation. That is to say that stationary activity is open to debate.

When we see it in detail, as we adopt a deep state of meditation, in which we have control of our thoughts, goes beyond the position of the body or of the activities that are taking place, is a decision to pay attention to what happens to your mind, what her machine and how it works, as, for example, an activity occurs 'naturally', as walking and breathing.

meditating can go beyond sitting down and meditating. Conscious walking (Mindufl Walking) is a formal activity and practice in the monasteries of the East and is part of the process and learning to have a much more conscious thinking. It's not about walking somewhere or somewhere, it's about walking and doing it in a conscious way, which we don't often do.

For some, this activity of walking while meditating might seem more natural than to sit with the legs crossed and with hands on the knees, it would feel like 'doing something', however in our search and hope to become more aware of our thinking it is important that we make each activity of our day in a more Mindful, more conscious, starting with a simple activity, such as walking.

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