This is, without a doubt, one of the words with the greatest power in the world, capable of helping, serving, suffering, tolerating... Everything we do has a good end -or so we hope - and everything is born in it, love, for you, for others, for what surrounds us, for your dreams and what you do for them.
Everything we do as people, as human beings on this planet, has a good beginning -and very surely, a great end- as long as it is done with love, without it, everything we do and we are results in a nonsense that, if it is familiar to you, you will know what it is to do something that you are not passionate about, something that was an obligation with which you had to smile while doing it, but that internally did not evoke in you that feeling.
Love is a concept with a fairly broad definition, and as such, with a high degree of subjectivity as to how you interpret it and how you demonstrate it, however today I want to concentrate on a love that does not lend itself to the imagination to wander with respect to it: loving yourself and what you want to be.
In our journey through this life learning to love ourselves unconditionally is one of the first tasks we have, to love that person in front of the mirror, to love those eyes, to love that body, to love that stature, those ears. Since our culture is not so passive in this aspect, you begin to notice that your height is not enough, that your face is not enough, as is your body. How much we allow to be shaped by our society depends on many decisions that come later. A self-love that is' born ' outside of us is subject to changes that will often go against what and who we really are.
After that there will be what you want to be, loving this portion of your life will allow you to enter in a space of growth that is not the one others have, and for many that kind of love is not so important, but it gives off important decisions in life, such as what career paths to follow, what future you want to have and what type of work space you visualize. It is common to find children who dream of being professional football players, astronauts, policemen, writers, artists and many other professions, which over the years change, they are altered, not always from within the person, but from their outer context and what this 'wants' for them.
"Nothing in the world worthwhile has been achieved without passion."
Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel
Love is not just that beautiful feeling that we experience when we see that special person, when we embrace that friend that we have not seen for years, when we greet our family... Love also covers that important area of our life that is called projection, ideas for the future and growth. Loving what you do and doing what you love is what allows you to grow and grow and keep growing, not only in the workplace, also in the other areas of your life.
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