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Writer's pictureMao Florez


As I mentioned in other posts, there are reasons why you are not reaching your real potential, that which by exploding will surprise you, filling you with the results you expect to see and create, for yourself and for others. One of those is comfort: that which provides comfort and generates well-being.

Yes. Although surprising, or 'anticlimatic' as it may seem, the comfort, the feeling or state of little need for change, that life should be easy, without discomfort or inconvenience, or in other words, 'what for? I am doing well', has been limiting all your ability to grow, achieve, and go beyond that. In that sense it is worth asking: "Am I where I really deserve and want to be, or am I prey to the comfort zone?"

Comfort -or the comfort zone-, is usually the reason why taking a leap of faith is so complicated, especially when "there would be arguments" not to do so. Because, what for?, you have everything that allows you to have and lead a good life, but wouldn't that line look better with another adjective?, something like: a dream life, or with a phrase like: my life as I dreamed it?

Like approval, comfort comes with its symptoms and consequences. The first tend to be unrealistic expectations about life, as that has to be perfect, without errors and with less need for adaptation is possible, believe that it is our birthright to live a life without problems or situations of discomfort, in addition to the above, to believe that we have little competence and ability to cope with adversity. Generally speaking, completely reject and consider as unacceptable a life that has problems in it.

These symptoms lead to the following consequences: low tolerance to frustration, feeling anxiety, discomfort and / or hopelessness, and presenting an attitude of self-pity, or the famous: "Poor Me". In addition to these behavioral consequences, a person with this limiting belief will be very friends with procrastination or the phrase "I’ll do it later" and shirking responsibilities.

"The whole range of human experience

it's yours, and you can enjoy it, if you decide

venture into territories that don't

offer guarantees."

Wayne W. Dyer

It is perfectly natural for life to not always be like a walk without stumbling, it is normal for there to be situations that can produce discomfort, however, every moment is a learning and, as such, must produce growth.

While stepping out of the comfort zone can be a step that is filled with fear of being taken, when you decide to take it and fill yourself with courage to do so, what awaits you are much sweeter fruits than the ones you had in hand. When you decide to take that step, just make sure you're doing it for something you're really willing to work on, something you're passionate about; taking the step for anything different won't get you where you really want to be.

Risking to take a step aside -being okay- to go for something better is our call, what we really came for to this earth, to create and design a life that not only we enjoy, but that can help us lead others to enjoy theirs more.

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