If you haven't asked yourself this question, it would be very interesting for you to ask it: Who Am I?. What you are, what you are not, what you want to become is clear from the answers with which you solve this question. At the time answering this question was a very complicated thing, especially since I did not know or consider how important your answer would be.
Many years ago, and as a joke, I was asked in school this question: "Who Is Mauricio Flórez?"To which to find an answer was extremely complicated, so at that moment the answer was: "Me". That same day, the question went through my head a lot and I came home meditating on how to answer it. Today many years later I find all the value that that question, and even more so, its answers, have.
When I started to answer this question I started with the basics: my nationality, being Colombian, being bogotano, with an important asterisk: my mom is coastal and this gave me a plus, after the basics I chose the boy: I am a fan of the most champion team in Colombia in the last decade, I am a footballer, I am an athlete, I am a proud person of being what it is. Although this is a short version of my definition at the time, I realized that there was a big mistake in it, it was all tied to external factors.
It turns out that as I exposed in another post, life has scenarios that one does not even think to live and that result in change of plans, and this is the problem with tying who you are to external factors. When I lost the ability to run, I lost the possibility of practicing many sports, which resulted in a moment of depression, associated with the diagnosis of multiple sclerosis, but even more because I lost part of my identity: I could no longer be an athlete, I lost an important part of myself, now I would have to adopt a new identity, because she was not mine,
"Most people are others: their thoughts, the opinions of others; their life, an imitation."
Oscar Wilde
Today my identity is built from what I am and what I can become, not from the outside. I am a very happy person-although I have a difficult medical diagnosis to carry -, I am a person who enjoys every moment of life, I am a person with different dreams and goals, I am a person who faces every difficulty as a learning challenge, I am a person who likes to see others fulfill their dreams, I am a good Colombian, I am a bodybuilder, I am all these and much more.
Who are you?, if you have not asked yourself the question, do it, because if you define yourself as a worker of x or Y Company the day you get out of it, your life will not be the same. If you define yourself as a college student, the day you finish college a piece of you stays there. Your identity is yours and only you should build it, but make sure you do it from who you are inside you, not from outside, from others or how others see or may come to see you.
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