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Writer's pictureMao Florez


An important part of getting ahead in life, fulfilling dreams and breaking down barriers is removing limitations. One of the worst; of the most negative and the reason - in many cases - why there are unfulfilled goals in many lives is this: I can't. Facing and defeating this limitation day by day is the reason why today I continue to fulfill my goals.

As I received the news that my life would not be the same, my mind began to imagine a thousand and one scenarios about what could happen with my plans, projects and dreams, those that abounded in me when I wasn’t even 17 years old. What would happen to my dream of playing football professionally? What would happen to my dream of living in another country?, What would happen to my dream of having a professional degree?... And in the end all these questions would be summed up in one: could I fulfill all my goals and dreams?

At first the answer was simple -and, if you like, reasonable -: No. In fact I remember the words that came out of one of the neurologists that I had the pleasure of meeting and who helped me thanks to them: "you have to get used to that you are going to live with certain limitations". But I remember even more what he later said to my parents: "You may well have to look for a distance school to finish, and he may not be able to go to university." Until now, the issue wasn't whether I wanted to achieve or do certain things, the issue was that I couldn't do it.

Multiple sclerosis, is a neurodegenerative disease that has many variables and can have different consequences depending on many factors, in my case the consequences were losing mobility, sensitivity and a little sight. However, my case is not the same as that of other patients with the same diagnosis and since the diagnosis is different -and is lived in different ways - for each patient, I asked myself the following question: Why should I, if each case was different, live in limitations then?

All the limitations of this life are debatable as long as they are relative truths. At that time my limitations were not properly mine, they were limitations that came from a relative truth that the doctor made me understand as absolute and real as inertia or gravity. For the above in many scenarios I limited myself, however after six months of therapy I began to question this' reality 'that they were trying to' force ' me to live. After this moment, after realizing that limitations are nothing more than what is built in the mind I have fulfilled so many goals and dreams that I would need more than one entry to mention them all.

I graduated from high school, I started and ended my professional career in one of the best universities of Colombia, a full of stairs which was a challenge at this stage, I have been able to learn more than five languages -and I'm going for the sixth-, I managed to walk and work by running again, and I think the most important thing is that I've learned to be happy and to get up stronger after each fall. I have achieved all the above and I am going for more, I seek to be more and more and I have achieved everything thanks to letting go of limitations, to face new challenges every day, to have a firm faith and not to repeat, ever, the so harmful 'I can't'.

"I can do everything in Christ that strengthens me."

Philippians 4:13

"Every adversity carries with it the seed

of an equivalent benefit or

greater to such adversity"

Napoleon Hill

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