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Writer's pictureMao Florez


The reality is that which happens around us about what we seem to have so little power, however it is nothing more than how you decide to perceive it. In this sense you decide how to see your life, what happens in it and how-or not - it affects you. For this we build our own-and unrepeatable - perception of reality from emotions, faith and/or facts.

The first way to perceive reality is through emotions, the most fragile of possibilities. Usually a person who has committed to living his life in this way is emotionally unstable and results in people living on a roller coaster of emotions; they live like a 'yo-yo': from top to bottom unchecked. These people often have extremely emotional responses to life scenarios, and therefore, to other people. The above generates a person not consistent with their projects and of little confidence.

The second way is through faith, although this term relates to a large extent to religion its use goes beyond it. As a definition faith is to believe and have a personal hope regarding what comes ahead. It is faith that finally makes you take leaps towards what you want to happen in your life, without the leap of faith, all projects remain on 'paper'. Although this is an integral part of any project, living from it can result in extreme ups and downs, especially when the results of a plan or project are not as expected.

Finally, life can be perceived from the facts, the truth of who we are and where we really are in this absolute present. This is essential to have a solid foundation in our life. Even if the emotional curves arrive we can build a life that is not led by them, because there is a greater security in who we are-more than what happens outside of us-. In this sense we will be much more mature, consistent and decisive in terms of our projects and lives in general.

These three ways of perceiving life are not far from each other, without having faith in your projects you will not work for them, without emotion we will not transmit the fire necessary to meet goals and without having clear facts, what we really are, we will not be able to give a solid base to our projects, this being the most important part and the one that must take the reins, because it is from what we are and we want to be, that we will build what we will be.

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