If someone ever said that your goals were impossible, depended on external factors, were available only to few or confined in any other way, let me change your way of thinking and show why the limitations are only mental, and each and every one of us are in the ability to achieve whatever we propose to do.
There is an important portion of life that is missing from the model that we are taught in school that looks like the following: being born - growing up - studying - working - reproducing - retiring - dying. The thing that makes your life shine and that you work for something more than a 'good' pension: meet your goals. Whatever the goal is you should know that it is achievable and there is more than one good example to illustrate it and to believe that impossible dreams are an invention of limited minds: from the possibility of traveling by plane, the arrival of man to the moon, to the development of the great digital ventures such as Facebook and Amazon.
If people like The Wright brothers, astronauts Aldrin and Armstrong and entrepreneurs Mark Zuckerberg and Jeff Bezos were able to fulfill their dreams, it means you can, too. It is possible to model success stories and lifestyles like these - and many others -.We can all get better results-in our own way - from properly modeling what successful people do. What keeps us from being able to fulfill our dreams, to have a successful and fulfilling life, is not having the appropriate strategy to achieve it, not that they are impossible.
Many people see an infinite distance between themselves and their dreams because they live a powerless life and the only reason for this is because they have not taken full responsibility for their lives. People who do not reach their goals are always 'victims' of circumstances. Although bad things happen in life, we can choose how to act and respond to them. To get to fulfill your dreams you can not let the curves of life crush you, you must learn how to continue on despite them.
To get the life that many dream and few have, you must do what those few do, and the first step is to believe that it is possible, every success case that exists in any scenario of life starts there, have the firm confidence that despite the curves that life throws, all dreams are achievable. If you do not think it is possible you will find excuses to truncate your purposes, when you believe you will only see possibilities opening up despite the obstacles that may exist between you and your goals.
"Accept responsibility in your life. Be aware that it will be you who will take you where you want to go, no one else”.
Les Brown.
"Forget the reasons why it won't work and believe in the only reason it will.”
Unknown author.
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