Silence is often uncomfortable, in conversations, meetings or even in solitude. Learning to enjoy it not only allows you to understand how your mind works in this environment, it educates you not to release the brake on your thoughts in the dangerous internal noise generated by external silence.
When entering into meditation you must first get out of the busy day, enter a space of calm, use music that relaxes you and there if you start to enjoy how your body vibrates in this moment of so much inner peace, however this limits our ability to be in control of our mind. Everyday distractions lead us to - in many cases-lose control of our thinking, yet there is the same risk in silence.
Absolute silence, today, is very difficult to achieve, even at the highest hours of the night does not exist, but if there are times of the day when the most overwhelming thing is to face it. To enjoy silence is to recognize how much our mind moves, swings and rocks in this specific scenario.
"The sand of the desert is for
the fatigued traveler the same as
the incessant conversation for
the lover of silence."
Persian proverb
Taking care of our thoughts helps us to be in better control of our emotions, depending on what we focus on our body and mind will react in an emotional way. Silence is a scenario that lends itself to our mind skidding, and is what happens in many cases when we have trouble falling asleep, external silence creates a lot of internal noise.
When I speak of enjoying silence I say it in the broadest sense of the word, for this leads you to go further, to hear new things, such as the sound of your breath, the so sonorous rumbling of your heart when it beats, the movement of your eyes. When, in silence, you manage to pay attention to these trifles, you will succeed, with better luck, to pay attention to what is happening in your mind.
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