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Writer's pictureMao Florez


Do not think of a blue car, do not think of a pink elephant, do not think of your first kiss... A high percentage of people, more than 90%, who read the instructions I noted above, did completely the opposite, thought about everything I told them not to think about. The processes of your subconscious do not conceive the NO, they conceive the instruction without it.

"I don't want to feel bad...", "I do not want to accept negative thoughts...", "I don't want to feel incapable...", "I don't want what's happening to me...". We usually hear the above lines and we can think that they come from a positive mind-or who wants to be-, from a person who surely lives-or seeks to do so - in a 'positive attitude'. Although these phrases may sound comforting, filling you with encouragement, in your subconscious, the opposite, is really happening.

If you really want to achieve your life goals, dreams and goals, you will want to pay close attention to how you communicate with yourself and your subconscious. If you feed your subconscious with negative phrases your subconscious will update that "no" into a resounding "yes". Their task is to work so that your thoughts are your reality, whether there is an affirmation within them or not.

You knowing this interesting fact of the mind seeks only to fill you with a lot of power. Knowing this will allow you to change the way you communicate with yourself, with your goals and dreams and with what you want for your life. Really knowing this is very useful in the area you want to put it in of life: family, work, relationships, etc.

"Occupy your mind with concepts

of harmony, health, peace and good will,

and wonders will happen in your life."

Joseph Murphy, the power of

Your Subconscious Mind

If we put it in an economic scenario, there are many people who believe that they 'can't make money, or earn it'. What really happens is that the subconscious is simply creating the following mental process: you can do the process of not making money. And it happens the same way in any other scenario.

To keep this simple and straightforward, if you want to change the way you live, you must first change the way you think. Focus on the positive, more on what you want than on what you don't, in fact, start by eliminating this and feeding what you crave, this is where you start. Starting by changing our way of thinking is the way we change our reality.

"I love myself and I'm in the capacity

to get to where I propose."

"I am a strong person and with

unlimited capabilities."

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