When I speak of words that determine my behavior-and that of the great minds of the world-what I do and how I do it, this word comes out and it is defined as the set of rules or norms whose constant compliance leads to a certain result, and without it, every project or dream is destined for failure.
All the goals you put in life, as long as they are realistic, will be achievable in life, they will only depend on how much passion, and how motivated you are to bring them to reality. If you have all the motivation to make every dream come true, it will lead you to act, to move towards them. And here is that discipline is non-negotiable; without it, there is no positive result.
Although I do not like to do it, I sometimes imagine how different my life would be if I did not have the discipline I have and the images that come to my mind are not the most gleaming and brilliant. Although, in general, all my life I have been a very disciplined person, the conditions sometimes force you to go further, to try and give more. The scenario that most dedication and effort has required me has been, without a doubt, that of my health.
"I know it hurts, and it's annoying, but you have to do this exercise if you want to walk again in a better way". Although a little paraphrased, this is what the first physiotherapist I had the honor to meet told me, and that today I proudly call a friend. At that time I was just entering physical rehabilitation and walking for more than five minutes was like walking five hours. The above words were used by my friend as motivation, seeing how frustration filled my eyes with tears. Despite being so difficult in its beginning, I continued to attend therapy, and what I found was the satisfaction of being able to walk more, and with more solidity, than before.
After the excellent results of my first therapies, I decided to start going to the gym, a challenge with -literally- more weight. And here the results would not be given only by attending and lifting weights. Here discipline required more: diet and rest, where the results are really made. As a result of attending the gym quite often, changing and improving my diet and resting habits, I gained weight and grew muscularly in a way that is very attractive to me and few.
"Discipline is the bridge
between goals and achievements."
Jim Rohn
Although, thank God, my 'illness' has been static and has not progressed, I have had a couple of relapses, the last one required a return to therapies. Although this time it was a few months, I had the opportunity to meet another great physiotherapist, a great woman to whom I owe greatly the motor recovery that I have had, which with a single question increased my motivation even more: "What do you expect from these therapies?"to which I replied:" I want to run again.". At the time of writing this post that goal looks closer and closer.
Without discipline there is no achievable goal, only ideas that, despite their beauty, are just that. She is the result of feeling passion for your projects, and she only works for them when you do. The best thing about this is that you don't have to pursue her, she is there, within reach of your decision to be, and remain, and remain even more, and as a result of that choice, you will see, without a doubt, that your dreams come true.
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