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Writer's pictureMao Florez


The symptoms that accompany my diagnosis are strange and few, however there is one specific one that I had to deal with almost from day one: Depression. Despite being part of the diagnosis, of my 'reality', it is quite interesting what your physiology and thinking can do against medical forecasts.

"Depression is a change in mood that consists, among other things,of suffering an especially low vital tone for a long time. It can last for weeks or months and, in most cases, affects different aspects of life, such as work, family and staff."(Multiple Sclerosis Observatory).

Although living with multiple sclerosis brings with it a number of discomforts, depression is usually dismissed, as well as in many cases of this emotional discomfort, due to its 'low visibility'. In itself, it is not the issue that worries most, although if it should be taken into account as much as the other symptoms.

In my case-and that of many other people - depression is associated with this medical diagnosis, so medical results-and forecasts - present more than the disease itself, and in this sense, you have a lot of power over it.

Usually when talking about this issue, one speaks not of a state, but of the person, however this is very wrong, because a person is not his behavior. All internal representations of a person are created by such a person and as such, each person is responsible for his feelings, and therefore his results. Simply put, it's in your hands how you feel.

"In the depths of winter

I finally learned that

inside me lived a summer."

Albert Camus

Depression in that sense goes far beyond being a 'psychological disorder', it is the result of how you have perceived your reality, how you have 'drawn' the map of your reality and that is why you are in the capacity to transform that depression in the moment you decide to do it. The reality they painted me was not positive, I decided to fill it with happiness, emotions and dreams. I would have to row upstream the rest of my life, I managed to get stronger than the river.

The above is as simple as the law of cause and effect. You can decide which side of the court you are on: you produce your results or the results produce you. Recognizing this' way of seeing life ' is born empowerment, because you are in the capacity to decide what you feel, how you feel it and how you live it.

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