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Writer's pictureMao Florez


When a baby begins to walk alone is a moment of much joy in a family, a new stage has come to his life, after having been loaded and having crawled, now comes the time to grab more power, to begin to savor independence. Through this scenario of learning to walk I spent twice in my life.

The second was towards my 16 years. I had to learn to walk again at that age thanks to the diagnosis that has accompanied me since then. At that moment I was in a very intense and internal struggle with the reality that I had 'had to live'. How was it possible that after being a very good football player and having 'tank' for three games in a row, I was going to have to learn to walk again?

Babies begin to move on their own crawling, I had to too. Then they learn to move leaning on something or someone, I was also there again. The end in this scenario is learning to move alone, and the I was. All these steps I had to relive at 16. When I started my muscle rehabilitation therapies I cried with impotence to feel that I was not in the capacity to do something that is so natural at that age. The first steps were not only complicated, they felt impossible to perform.

As the therapies progressed I realized that they-although emotionally painful rather than physically - would be necessary if I wanted to continue growing personally and professionally, if I wanted to go to college and get my professional degree. Today I realize that they were not only necessary for that, they were necessary to be able to leave a mark on people, those who go through a difficult time in life and feel that this longed-for end does not come.

The changes turn out to be something very difficult to accept, in whatever scenario. Moving to a new house, brand new shoes, facing the changes that come with growth, etc. each change comes with its difficulty. Mine involved two parts: the first, not being able to walk properly -and as a result, not being able to run-, and the second my pride, going from being a great athlete to having to learn to move alone again.

"If we walk long enough, we will ever get somewhere."

The Wonderful Wizard Of Oz

Difficult scenario, full of emotional and physical challenges, in which I had the Pleasant Company of great people, important people to whom today I thank for having left this teaching: the great learnings of life live and come in this format: challenges and difficulties.

Moving forward in life is like walking babies, at first you need someone to take you, help you, then with a little more independence you start crawling, discovering that you can move alone and then we walk, search, fall and explore, just as it is in life. One of the best workouts we receive for life is when we learn to walk.

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